About me
I want help pave a path for those to feel empowered by their unique experiences and a sense of freedom by choosing the life desired to live
I found that exploring the little and big inklings that would tug at my mind about my happiness and curiosity was actually a guidance system to a more aligned life.
When working in NYC within the hospitality industry, what felt like purpose quickly turned to burnout and feeling like I was playing a part to fit in rather than make conscious choices. The story you see time and time again in people’s bios who do this work. The fact of the matter is, it’s the truth. While every story is unique in experience and shaping the person, the storyline remains along the same theme. So what caused the change? Honestly, I got to a point where I was living everyday knowing that if I kept choosing to put myself in a position that was disconnected and unhappy, I would create the pattern of my life from this foundation. That was the scariest realization that caused me to wake up.
Without so much of a plan, just my juxtaposing conditioned mindset and my need for change, I picked up and moved out of the country. My life was forever changed once I took myself out of my comfortable environment and into a place where I was staring the question of “who are you?” dead in the face, without community, family, job, any comfort to identify with. As you could imagine, that was a very broad question, one that set me off to journey on how I want to live if it was simply my choice, and learning who I am through that.
Of course that led me to get really passionate about living life this way. I call it living heart forward. Which is how I got into the work that I am offering today— wanting to share both the tools that helped me, the gateways to self understanding, and empowerment to own and follow it. This is all not to say you need to dive two feet into a new lifestyle, new country, new job, etc. It simply means if you are feeling an inkling of something feeling out of place from who you are and what you want, or maybe you just feel confusion as a whole, I want to help you get curious about that and feel strong enough to create a sense of freedom in your path so that you are the one in the driver’s seat, living life from your heart and happiness.