Being Open is Difficult to Define

We cannot grow without challenge, without vulnerability, without the ability to stare at ourselves raw .


Am I Being open in my life?

Am I being open to my loved ones/partner?

Am I being open with myself?

There’s different ways to be open. Being honest, being adventurous, being curious, being thorough & thoughtful, and being ever challenging. These are what we need to start loosening the bolts. What we forget sometimes is this means willing to shift our mindset/journey based on the fluidity of how our path unfolds. There should always be core beliefs, values, and mantras that stick within our souls, but the journey is open.

Be open to explore yourself. If you don’t have core values or solid bricks at your foundation then challenge yourself to find them. We cannot grow without challenge; without vulnerability, without the ability to stare at ourselves raw and say

What can I do for you?

Are you willing to learn?

How can I teach you?

 Open yourself. For these answers can only come if you’re willing to crack the door open to go inward.

Growth is always available. It’s a never ending opportunity, journey, test, experience. The key is to push yourself to take the opportunity, to look for it. There’s no “this happened so now minds are made up and that’s that,” but rather “This happened. Why did it come about in this way? How did my reaction/feeling set the mood? How can I alter my way of thinking to change the outcome?”

If you don’t know these answers, look within yourself. Then take a look at the external factors, within the reaction’s of peers, partners, friends, family, and ask yourself what the external perception is. You need to look at the other side as well as yourself in order to recognize the situation. You cannot control another person’s mindset or the way a situation played out from the other side, but you can control your reaction, your perception, and your mindset. This will over all influence the situation and the steps forward from there.

This growth, this challenge, this self-awareness will open you up from within. It may take time. The goal shouldn’t be to open yourself up like a book to the world. The goal is to reintroduce your inner self to your conditioned self and see where there’s misalignment. Then you can reintroduce this awareness to how you are, how you think, how you react and it will ripple out externally.

Challenge yourself, find the growth, find the you inside.


Journal Entry: Aspirations and Intentions


Journal Entry: List of Things I Love